Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

Or, my limited attempt at it…

Welcome! This is a reference architecture document/site that shows the writers attempt at demostrating the use of Site Reliability Engineering techinical principals using a compination of F5/NGINX products and Open Source Software (OSS).

Thanks in advance dear reader for wandering into this corner of the ‘net and, hopefully, you’ll gleen something of use for yourself.

As always, this is just my attempt at a thought exercise on how things can be applied and is in no way reflective of the views, opinions or organisation ethos of F5 Networks.

So I will leave you dear reader, with the usual warning - do not attempt anything contained within on production networks or systems and that this is purely a theoretical techinical approach that can be referenced for insights into you own infrastructure.

Be well, always, and take care - now that we have the basics out of the way. Lets dive in shall we?

This is a holding page for code here: