
The following section defines the overall subnets placement for MeBeFake’s SRE Managed AWS cloud platform. Subnets design is key to MeBeFake AWS implementation as it sets a foundation for MeBeFake’s infrastructure on the AWS platform. Hence any modification should be minimised where possible to prevent additional costs to migrate workloads.

Further to this, MeBeFake is establishing a pattern for each VPC to simplify overall network architecture, ensure consistency and aid repeatability. Three logical tiers are proposed: public, private and protected as follows:

Tier Description
Public tier

The Public tier will include Public subnets. This subnet type is targeted for

instances that support inbound connections from the internet through an AWS

Internet Gateway (for example, Web Application Firewall (WAF) servers).

Public subnets have been provisioned in anticipation that internet facing

workloads will be deployed to these subnets in the future

Private tier

The Private tier will include Private subnets. This subnet type is targeted for

internal web servers and application servers that have private IP addresses.

Instances in a Private subnet will not support inbound internet connections.

Protected tier

Instances in a Private subnet are accessible to MeBeFake on-premise networks.

The Protected tier will include Protected subnets. This subnet type is

designated for EC2 instances with database(s) and can only be accessed by

servers in the Private tier.

For detailed Network Subnet definitions please refer to the Network Subnets tab in the *ne1MBF* Data spreadsheet.