AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is an isolated virtual network in AWS. This virtual network enables MeBeFake to manage the resources allocation inside the established VPCs including implementing a secure access between MeBeFake and AWS data centres.

MeBeFake’s strategy on VPC is to utilise the Multi-VPC approach. This approach enables MeBeFake to set isolated boundaries based on core services being provided. This effectively establishes VPC as a foundational platform in the MeBeFake SRE-Managed AWS platform of which workloads will be placed into.

The VPC structure is outlined as follows:

VPC Name Description TransitGateway Interconnect
Production (PRD) A VPC containing the Visy production and UAT environments Yes



A VPC containing MeBeFake’s development and test



Shared Services


A VPC containing MeBeFake’s SRE shared services

that hosts MeBeFake’s CI/CD framework and other

services such as ActiveDirectory





A VPC that is used for SRE Management and Audit

Operational Services. This VPC also provides

centralised management services.


An AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) allows an isolated virtual network created in AWS. The address range is allocated per RFC1918 with the largest address range for a VPC being a /16 subnet. Inside a VPC, subnets are deployed in multiple availability zones (AZs) to provide support for a highly available applications architecture. Multiple subnets are required to separate public, private and protected subnets.

The following table highlights the network allocation for each VPC in-scope for the MeBeFake SRE- Managed AWS Platform.

Region VPC Network CIDR Mask Usable IP’s
Sydney PRD /18 16378
DEV /18 16378
SHARE /18 16378
SecOps /18 16378